"Knot" Your Mother's Macrame: Introduction to Macrame

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Program Type:

Adult Program

Age Group:

Registration for this event will close on April 15, 2025 @ 6:30pm.
A Troy library card is required.
Allowed Ages: 18 to Over 18
There are no more seats remaining.

Program Description

Adult Programs

Event Details

Join TPL staff and learn the twists and turns it takes to craft your own macramé designs. The class will be led by a veteran macramé-er; attendees will make a small design they can take with them at the end of class. And for the brave of heart, there will be various fabric dyes to dip-dye your creation. Part of the TPL Apothecary series.

Priority registration will be given to Troy Public Library card holders. If you do not have a TPL-issued library card, you may register without a card to be put on the Pending Waitlist. If there is space available one week before the program you will be moved to the main registration list and notified. Click here to apply for a TPL card.


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Note: All required fields are indicated with an asterisk.